Points of Action
Remember that hope powers action and action means change. Every fraction of a degree of warming stopped, matters. So, what can you do? This is my updated list of points of action (feel free to suggest more!)
(Image -Rows of solar panels on a building in Somerset, UK. Author’s image.)
Politics, politics and more politics! If there is any election - local or national - can you help elect better people? Yes, you can!
Make sure your own supplier of energy is getting it from renewable sources.
If you have influence at work, ask about if your work place can also switch energy suppliers.
If you have investments/pensions and can control where they invest, seek to move from any fossil fuel ones to renewable energy.
If there is a renewable energy project seeking planning permission in your area, write in support of it. Help make it happen!
Join a climate action group. There’s loads around and this does not have to mean protest - any group always needs a core of people to help from admin, funding, logistics and more. Being part of something is one of the best ways to stave off despair.
Support an independent media outlet. One of the issues why we hit headwinds in climate progress despite a majority of people wanting to see action is that we face a huge, well-funded climate denial media network. However there are individuals and outlets doing good reporting, investigations and more. These always need support, so find one you like, share and subscribe/support!
Here are some I recomend:
ProPublica - Investigative journalism in the public interest
Heated - A newsletter for people who are pissed off about the climate crisis
Inside Climate News - Pulitzer Prize-winning, nonpartisan reporting on the biggest crisis facing our planet
The Guardian - Non-billionaire owned media
(Image - Lens flare on the plasma vessel of the Joint European Torus (JET) Tokamak in Culham. Fusion is a technology now interecting with that of AI. Source.)