Thank you for making this - it's important to look at the realistic solutions and areas for opportunity in these times.

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Thank you so much. Keep up your amazing work ❤️❤️

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Great read!

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Wow… with all due respect this is like the story of the “kings new clothes” that all his yes men admire when it was clear he was Bullock naked.

I guess its easy to say the climate emergency has been beaten when we did not have one in the first place and which all data has always proven.

Let’s see how much further progress is made on so called renewables when some governments either realize the huge mistake and cancel funding, or in the case of those too stupid to change policy just run out of the funds they are wasting anyway.

Either way the NetZero scam is drawing to a welcome close and we can get back to prosperity with a bit of focused and well planned adaption to a naturally warming planet.

More at… https://nigelsouthway.substack.com/p/prosperity-first-and-climate-adaptionas

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If you plan to adapt to a changing world, it would be wise to adapt based on data (anthropogenic climate change) rather than wishful thinking ("naturally-warming planet").

And no offense, but wouldn't your Substack post be better suited as a Facebook post? Or a Tweet? Seems like it would fit within either character limit.

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Naaa..I will post where I choose .. my following seems happy.

On data… its actually the other way around..... the data shows little impact from us and on us.

Our contribution to the climate change is very small, and the impact of the changing climate to our economies is going to be small.

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You are mistaken. The data shows a significant contribution from human activity emitting greenhouse gases (CO2, methane, and others). Economic impacts have been and continue to grow, due to more frequent and more severe extreme weather events (storms, droughts) which causes more crop failures, damage to community infrastructure, etc. resulting in more unstable food prices, rising insurance premiums, etc. Fisheries are being impacted by rising ocean temperatures and increasingly acidic ocean water thanks to increased dissolved CO2. This is not an exhaustive list. I understand on a personal level that the narrative that climate change is not human-caused and will not have significant impacts is more appetizing than alternatives, but that narrative (which was historically seeded and fertilized by the fossil fuel industry) is not evidence-based and will therefore not serve society's interests in the form of informed decision-making.

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Well……You are clearly being fed the wrong narrative and certainly not facts…

Let me address each of your points..

YOU The data shows a significant contribution from human activity emitting greenhouse gases (CO2, methane, and others).

Response….There is no causation between rising temperature and CO2 increase.

Trace gas levels (CO2, methane, and others). are not a concern for the climate.

YOU Economic impacts have been and continue to grow, due to more frequent and more severe extreme weather events (storms, droughts)

Response… impact and cost of weather-related issues continues to fall per GDP and per population and deaths have declines 95% in the last 100 years.

The IPCC agrees that there is no significant correlation between climate change and weather activity.

YOU More crop failures,

Response… CO2 is greening the planet, and we are experiencing a vast increase in global crop yield.

YOU Damage to community infrastructure, etc. resulting in more unstable food prices, rising insurance premiums, etc.

Response … Most of the issues are due to poor sustainability management in areas.. The Hawaii and LA fires are a good example and well documented.

LA area is where extreme weather has also been a long-time reoccurring trend.

YOU Food prices increases.

Response….Most of the increase in food price is due to the increase in fuel and energy costs due to legislation for NetZero.

YOU Fisheries are being impacted by rising ocean temperatures and increasingly acidic ocean water thanks to increased dissolved CO2.

Response…. Poor management of overfishing is to blame.. not any climate issues. Coral reefs continue to flourish unless exposed to water born pollution.

YOU This is not an exhaustive list. I understand on a personal level that the narrative that climate change is not human-caused and will not have significant impacts is more appetizing than alternatives, but that narrative (which was historically seeded and fertilized by the fossil fuel industry) is not evidence-based and will therefore not serve society's interests in the form of informed decision-making.

Response….We will see a reversal away from NetZero policies..

We will need the ongoing and increased use of fossil fuels to provide adaption to mostly ongoing weather variation that has little to do with a slowly warming climate.

Such changes in climate has happened 4 times before in the last 10,000 years and in each case civilization thrived. It was the cold phases where we suffered.

The climate emergency narrative is wrong and the facts confirm this.

Many scientists are now moving away from the political subjugation and speaking up with new climate review organizations growing and stating that we do NOT have a climate emergency.

Please review this link below for the support for these statements.

More at :


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Jan 25Edited

There is overwhelming evidence of the relationship between greenhouse gas levels (including CO2, methane, and others) and the global mean surface temperature.

The IPCC agrees that climate change is associated with more frequent extreme weather events

https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg1/chapter/chapter-11/ (see precipitation, droughts, floods, storms).

IPCC also reports climate change negatively impacts food systems, in spite of small possible increases in crop yield due to increases atmospheric CO2 (which are also coupled with small decreases in nutritional quality). https://www.ipcc.ch/srccl/chapter/chapter-5/

The Hawaii and LA fires are an example where climate change acts is not the direct cause but is instead a threat multiplier: higher temperatures and less rainfall mean more dead and dryer plant matter which means more kindling for wildfires.

The relatively recent increases in food prices were due in part to COVID19 pandemic-related supply chain disruptions as well as the Ukraine war because Ukraine is a major wheat exporter. As noted above by the IPCC in chapter 5, climate change impacts food system stability and food prices.

With respect to fisheries, same thing: multiple causes with threat multiplier, not this cause OR that cause.

Coral reefs have multiple threats, not just water-borne pollution.


With respect to historical climate change, humankind (and indeed the planet) has not seen a shift this severe this quickly.

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You can believe what you want .. but the arguments you are presenting are very weak and the IPCC summary reports are not being taken seriously. This is a political organization that has a huge and growing gap in credibility between the scientific section and the summary reports for policy makers.

There is no overwhelming evidence of the relationship between greenhouse gas levels (including CO2, methane, and others) and the global mean surface temperature. As its clear that it’s the reverse and increasing temperature drives CO2 increase.

Although the IPCC states that climate change is associated with more frequent extreme weather events the problem they have is that these extreme weather events are just not present in the long term data..

Fires are not getting worse, floods and droughts have reginal variance as they always have but overall no trends…., tornados/hurricanes show no increase and in fact are falling… the weather impact cost is dropping as a ratio with population food production is increasing

The Hawaii and LA fires are a very bad example of climate change impact…many reports on this.

With respect to fisheries, hard to see its climate...

The increasing groups of climate scientists that are declaring no climate emergency have a far better scientific argument than the IPCC that keeps using failed models to predict issues while all the past and present data shows no negative impacts.

I suggest you look at the data contained in the reports I attached as its clear we don’t have a climate emergency …..

And that is why many national governments are moving away from a NetZero policy set anhd putting a focus on prosperity using the power of fossil fuels.. …

The future outlook is that all we will need is some much more affordable localized adaption to a slowly warming planet that has done this 4 times before in the last 10,000 years.

We must focus on all forms of pollution, but CO2 is not one of them.

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