Climate Positive News Stories from the Last Month
Yes, there’s some really bad news about. But that does not mean we should give up hope, because every point of a degree of warming we stop will make a real difference!
Here’s a bunch of hope from the last few weeks. Hope is key because if all we have is fear, far from motivating us to action it can kill it! (Here’s the science behind why we need hope to get action!)
In the US, California is having a remarkable renewables streak; "On 34 of the 42 days to April 18, the US state saw periods where wind, solar and hydro output exceeded total electricity demand"
Also in California, on 4th May, or the first time ever the solar supply exceeded the state's entire grid demand - from solar alone!
Back in the UK the final coal powered station has closed down.
In the US, it’s on the way out (provided Trump does not get back in)
IEA numbers are predicting that by 2030 oil demand will peak and then it is down from there.
The tide of history is with the climate movement, even in South Park. Slate; "South Park" apologizes to Al Gore and admits it was wrong about global warming
So seven countries globally now generate 100% of their electricity from renewable energy
He’s not wrong (above) as; Solar is now being installed faster than any technology in history
Selling trees to lock up carbon is now becoming more profitable than beef.
Back in the UK (my home!) the UK government has lost in court (again!) for not taking enough action on climate. Good.
Finally in the recent UK local elections (and why your vote matters to the climate) there was an interesting take on the result as the centre-left Labour Party and Green Party made major gains;
Conservative MP for Kingswood and former energy minister who signed net zero into law has said on X that “these elections have shown pro-environment parties and mayors who made net zero central to their campaigns made significant gains”.
Let’s keep fighting for a livable climate!